Relief from cold, cough and sinus

Common cold and sinus may be brought about by virus, bacteria and even allergies. Other than bacterial infection of the sinus, you will not be prescribed a medicine and will have to suffer it out.  Essential oils can help get some temporary relief from the symptoms and make you feel better while your body fights with the cold. They are immune boosting, support the respiratory system and have clarifying properties which when inhaled properly help one get better soon. Some of these essential oils are discussed here below.

Eucalyptus essential oil comes from the eucalyptus tree which was once native to Australia but is now grown in many parts of the world. Its primary component is the natural organic compound called eucalyptol, which has a mint-like aroma and a spicy yet cooling flavor. Used in many cough drops and syrups, it possesses antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antispasmodic properties, all which help open block airways, relieve congestion, reduce the frequency and magnitude of a cough, and help combat overproduction of phlegm and mucus. Eucalyptus oil should be mixed with a more neutral carrier oil such as jojoba or argan oil, if using topically. It can then be applied directly to the chest as a vapor rub, where the properties are very effective and long lasting.  It can also be mixed with water to form a spray that keeps the air disinfected,

Peppermint contains menthol which helps with common cold, cough and congestion. It is often included as an ingredient in natural chest rubs to help congestion. You may massage few drops onto your chest, alternatively you could inhale them through using  a room diffuser. You may also take it through steam as well. If using the steam inhalation technique, boil a pot of water and add 6-8 drops directly into the water. Place a towel over your head, lean over the pot or bowl, and inhale through your mouth and nose. Do this for as long as the water is steaming and repeat as many times as your feel necessary throughout the day. If using a diffuser, add 1-3 drops and allow the essential oil molecules to fill the air. Again, breathe deeply and refresh the oil whenever necessary. Alternatively, you can use a humidifier to achieve the same effect. Simply add 10-15 drops of essential oil to the humidifier and breathe deeply all day. Using a diffuser or a humidifier are wonderful methods, because they also allow the essential oil to combat any microorganisms  in the air around you.

Rosemary is a  member of the mint family and originates in southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. The essential oil is extracted form the leaves of the plant through a process of steam distillation. Rosemary has strong antibacterials and anti-fungal properties, making it an excellent essential oil for strengthening the immune system and helping to cleanse the lymphatic system, which helps to maintain and increase overall health.  Rosemary essential oil also has incredible antiseptic properties, making it a very useful treatment when respiratory infections inhabit the chest. When congestion hits, massage a few drops, mixed with your favorite carrier oil into the chest and throat. Repeat this several times throughout the day. You can also carry a bottle of this wonderful essential oil with you and, whenever needed, inhale deeply through the nose for an immediate sense of calm and relief.

Steam is a wonderful delivery method for this aromatic and detoxifying essential oil, as is diffusing. If using the steam method, repeat the process 2-4 times per day, on an as needed basis. If diffusing into a room, be sure to replenish the oil as it runs out to ensure a room filled with all of the antibacterial and antiseptic properties that rosemary essential oil has to offer. 

Lavender essential oil is one of the few essential oils that can be used directly on the skin without dilution. This essential oil comes from the English Lavender plant, also known as Lavandula augustifolia. Although considered by some a lighter, or less potent essential oil, it still possesses very beneficial properties, both for the body and the mind. In addition to its sweet smell, it acts as a tonic for frazzled nerves, anxiety, and stress. Lavender is also known for its antiviral, anti-fungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also used as a circulatory stimulant and an immune booster.  At the first sign of sinus congestion, incorporating lavender essential oil into your daily routine is important. Whether inhaling the aroma directly from the bottle, applying to various points on the body, steaming, or diffusing, its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties acts like a balm to the lungs and can also combat the flu-like symptoms and ease congestion. Although seemingly gentle, the power of lavender should not be overlooked. In its quiet and subtle way, this essential oil has the ability to help break apart mucus, ease congestion, and soothe the spirit, all at the same time. Many people recommend using a diffuser or a vaporizer, as this will fill the room with calming and antibacterial air that is extremely beneficial to anyone.

Here is a congestion blend made with the above essential oils

These can be inhaled via diffuser or steam inhalation. The above congestion blend mixed with  jojoba oil or a carrier oil of your choice can also be used as a massage oil and can be used as many times as desired.



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