Lavender is one of the most popular and known scents and one of our personal favorites. We try to use it every possible way we can.
Lavender essential oil is one of the few essential oils that can be used directly on the skin without dilution. Besides it’s sweet fragrance it is is also a natural antiseptic, with antiviral properties that help cleanse the skin of impurities. With anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, this flowering plant has saved many a skin from peeling sunburns, cysts, and signs of stress. It can be used to treat summer acne, moisturize hair, as a fragrant facial mist and for cleansing hair.
Winter months are here upon us in New York and one problem we all may face is light dandruff in our scalps perhaps due to the changing weather conditions and also from the heating indoors.
Take 15 drops of MEVEI Lavender Premium Essential Oil and mix it with 2 tbsp of MEVEI Jojoba Oil. Warm it a little bit and gently massage your scalp. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and take a shower. You may have to perform this routine on a weekly basis before you start seeing results. It also acts as a good conditioner and nourishing agent.